In 1995 local Glenlyon residents established the Victorian Farm & Tree Landcare Group to combat the expansion of gorse and blackberry on farming property. On the establishment of Landcare Victoria, VF&T Landcare Group transitioned to the Glenlyon Upper Loddon Landcare Group (GULLG). In 2018 GULLG was incorporated under the Associations Incorporation Reform Act as a not-for-profit organisation.
Our purpose is to run a range of activities that have a community capacity-building and environmental focus, and to maintain, protect and enhance the natural assets in our region.
Are you thinking of becoming a Landcare volunteer?
Individual membership of GULLG is only $10 per year
The GULLG Committee is elected annually at the AGM
The 2024-25 Committee members are:
President - Rod Sewell
Vice Pres - Vacant
Secretary - Adam Rowe
Treasurer - Justin Rowe
Member - Julie Coyle
Member - Ian Fleischer
Member - Evan Fleischer
Member - Colin Metcalfe
Become a Committe Member
Landcare Victoria (LVI)
North Central Catchment Management Authority (NCCMA)
Upper Campaspe Landcare Network (UCLN)
Hepburn Shire Council
Department of Energy, Environment and Climate Action (DEECA)
Glenlyon Recreation Reserve Asset Management Committee (GRRAMC)
Being a 100% volunteer not-for-profit organisation Glenlyon Landcare relies on grants, general donations, and support from local businesses.
Glenlyon Upper Loddon Landcare Group Incorporated
Mail: PO Box 471, Daylesford, VIC 3460
Facebook: Glenlyon Upper Loddon Landcare Group
ABN: 19 678 477 084
CAV Reg No.: A0103773B
To achieve its objectives GULLG needs motivated members who are interested in being part of the committee.
To assist in understanding more about the GULLG Committee and determining your interest in participation the following will help.
You will develop new skills (event management, bookkeeping, secretariat, grant administration, grant application, marketing, people leadership, fundraising, web and social media skills.
You can help steer the direction of our Landcare group and help decide what we focus on.
You can contribute something long lasting and valuable to our local community.
You can learn an enormous amount about local native plants and animals, weed management, land regeneration, sustainable farming, waterway management, the list is endless.
The minimum commitment is about an average of 1 hour per month across the year. However, this will increase based on how involved you want to be. We have five committee meetings a year and we spend time outside these meeting coordinating events and various projects for GULLG.
Nothing really, other than some enthusiasm and an openness to learning new things. Obviously, some of the committee roles require specific skills. However, these can all be learnt as you go, drawing on the knowledge and experience of existing committee members.
All roles become available every year and the committee is supportive of anyone interested in having a go at any of the roles. There are eight committee positions in total. Four are elected positions; President, Vice President, Secretary and Treasurer, and four are general committee member positions. Within the committee, there are many opportunities regardless of role - these include planning working bees, overseeing promotions, the VGT community grant program, fundraising, grant applications, and manning the GULLG stall at the New Year's Sports Day and other events.
You can either express your interest by emailing us at
Landcare Victoria (LVI) – provides support for the Victorian Landcare network and arranges affordable insurance coverage for members.
North Central Catchment Management Authority (NCCMA) - is the authority in our area of activity and the region's main waterways.
Upper Campaspe Landcare Network (UCLN) – hosts events and represents sixteen Landcare and related groups active in the Upper Campaspe and Loddon River catchments.
Hepburn Shire Council (HSC) – is our LGA and shares GULLGs goal to preserve and enhance the biodiversity in our area of activity. The shire provides community and biodiversity grants which GULLG utilises to fund various projects.
Department of Energy, Environment and Climate Action (DEECA) – has authorised GULLG as its Committee of Management for the Biolink and Loddon Extension
Glenlyon Recreation Reserve Asset Management Committee (GRRAMC) – GULLG are based at the Reserve and are active in its ongoing weed maintenance and tree renewal program.
Hepburn Shire Council is a primary grant provider through regular grants that focus on community and biodiversity projects.
Federal and State Governments and their agencies also make grants available for various areas and activities.
Members of the community and past and present GULLG members have kindly donated equipment and other items that can be used by GULLG in its various activities and projects.
The following local organisations have provided support to GULLG:
McQueen Real Estate - donation of signage flags and A-Frames
STIHL Shop Daylesford - donation of principal raffle prize
Studio 54 Accommodation - donation of raffle prize
Glenlyon General Store - donation of raffle prize
Istra Smallgoods - donation of product for Working Bee BBQs